These pieces were made when I was an Artist-in-Residence at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass, Colorado. Each work is extremely specific to the area and influenced by an extraordinary sense of place. While in Snowmass, I acquired mineral soil and rocks from over 30 feet below the surface, from less than 1/2 mile from ARAC. I was also given access to other Colorado specific gravel material. What gifts! After testing these materials at 3 different temperatures, I was able to freely incorporate them into a large scale installation piece as well as a set of nine small vases (currently available in the ARAC Gallery Store and for their main Auction as well as their Lunchtime Auctionettes). Grateful to ARAC for an enriching and magical 5 weeks in residence!

The Precarity of Snow

Aspen 1

Local Fractures and Connections




Haystack Mountain Residency